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Himsel Farms LLC


bushels, beef and bales

"...and on the 8th day God made the farmer"

Himsel Farms is a family-run farm who believes they have been blessed by the good Lord with the opportunity to care for His creation and provide for His people.  Next time you need eggs, produce, straw, hay or beef contact Himsel Farms where you can find high quality products at reasonable prices!


Himsel Farms History

Himsel Farms began in 1924.

That year Wells and Grace Himsel moved with their newborn son, Erwin, to a seventy-five acre farm near Paoli, Wisconsin.  Wells farmed there until 1953, when Erwin and his wife, Esther, began their life on the farm.  The couple continued milking cows, raising hogs and chickens, along with their four children for another twenty years.  In 1974, their eldest son, Dennis, graduated from high school and began to operate the Paoli farm--where he still resides today.


In 1990, Dave (Erwin's youngest son) married Michelle and began their own incarnation of Himsel Farms near Elkhorn, Wisconsin.  


Today, the Himsel Farm tradition continues with Dave and Michelle’s oldest son, Ben, and his wife, Justine.



Meet the Family

Dave Himsel

Dave is an example of the saying, “you can take the boy out of the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the boy”.  So, although he works full-time for the City of Whitewater, he is most often found at home caring for the herd of beef cattle or making hay. He is also highly involved in the local church as an elder.

Michelle Himsel

Michelle is the mother of two grown boys, a part-time book-keeper and a mentor mom for new families in the church.  She grew up in the city, but married a farmer and has enjoyed learning the ropes.  Whenever help is needed, Michelle makes herself available. In addition, she loves to garden, sew and host guests.

Ben Himsel

Ben is a dreamer with determination to make Himsel Farms his full time work, but until then he continues to drive a semi full-time. Ben is very passionate about carrying on the family farming tradition and his faith. He is often found fixing equipment, brainstorming new farm improvements, or preparing the crop land. 

Justine Himsel

Justine is growing into the role of a farmer's wife, and learning how her interest in health overlaps with farming. She works as a nurse and is expecting their first child in July 2020.  On her days off, she enjoys mentoring young girls, making crafts, gardening and playing games with friends. Except Sundays-- those days are for family, faith, and football. 

Our Operation

Our Operation

-necessity is the mother of invention-

What started as an enjoyable backyard hobby of Dave's -- just a couple of calves from the home farm -- soon became unsustainable when corn prices took a hike to five dollars a bushel.  So, with a borrowed baler and some shared land between neighbors came the Himsel's first crop of hay.


When feeder cattle prices became prohibitive, a young pure-bred Pinzgauer bull became the foundation for the farm's cow/calf operation. Now, roughly twenty head of cattle are present on the farm, as well as laying hens and meat birds.


Ben has since initiated many conversations with nearby residents, in hopes of land restoration opportunities. This has allowed the farm to grow, and they now operate roughly one-hundred acres of cash crops 

( i.e. corn, soybeans and wheat ).


Today, falling commodity prices and high input costs have led the family to incorporate the new concept of cover crops.  By rotating fields and integrating other plants, the Himsels are taking part in a regenerative farming technique.  With this, the hope is to restore the land to it's original organic state, where it would no longer require the use of added chemical fertilizers or weed control.  Ultimately, making the entire operation more self-sustaining.


Additionally, Michelle and Justine each have a garden of their own filled with fresh produce and flowers you can find at local farmer's markets.


As of last year Himsel Farms has expanded by adding honey bees and laying ducks!


Why People love Himsel Farms

Lynnea Hiam

This is, by far, the friendliest farm with the highest quality meat that I've ever visited! I drive all the way from Kansas to buy Himsel steers.

Gina Templeton

Love the simplicity of how things are done! Very friendly, Godly people.

Ashley Pieper

Great people and family to have in our life. You can see they are all hard working and really care for their animals.

Erica Czarnecki

Great family...great faith....great farm! Back to basics at its best.


Every season the Himsel Farm grows in many ways and we are thrilled to have the support of our friends, family and community. Through it all, we count it as a blessing to care for the land and provide people with quality products at a reasonable price.



Plow deep

Pray hard

Prepare for rain

[Hosea 10:12]

Contact Info

Contact Us




-Dave @ 262-745-8700

-Ben @ 262-745-0896

-Michelle @ 262-745-6549

-Justine @ 262-210-8717



W5288 Territorial Rd,

Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121

For directions click here

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Please feel free to contact us at any time

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